The Net Broking House LLC is a newly established broking company with the intention to improve the services offered in the insurance market of Kosovo. The company is licensed by the Central Bank of Kosovo (CBK), which is the regulatory and supervisory authority of the financial industry in Kosovo.
The company is run under the motto: “Honestly! The only way for Net Broking House to treat clients, partners, employees, society.” This, we feel, is needed to bring back the sense of gentlemanship in the insurance industry which tends to be perceived as crooked by people.

Our Expert Team
Our investment experts constantly evaluate the best ways to put your money to work. Our portfolios are completely liquid, and you can access your money at any time. This is what sets us apart from the competition.

John Harris
CEO and Board Member
Donec a felis sed ligula aliquet sollicitudin a in elit. Nunc at commodo erat, fringilla egestas tortor.
Email John

Melanie Saunders
Head of Investment
Donec a felis sed ligula aliquet sollicitudin a in elit. Nunc at commodo erat, fringilla egestas tortor.
Email Melanie

Bernard Crotty
Tax Advice
Donec a felis sed ligula aliquet sollicitudin a in elit. Nunc at commodo erat, fringilla egestas tortor.
Email Bernard